Forum Discussion

RooDude09's avatar
Mar 01, 2016

Fiberglass siding crack

Last weekend I was helping my parents get their trailer ready for sale. While washing I noticed a 5-6 inch crack in the fiberglass siding extending from the top corner where the opening is cut for the slide out. What would be involved in repairing this? Didn't see any leaks from this area.
  • Definitely a stress crack from the slide out. My last TT did the same thing, only it was alum sided. Not an easy repair to make it look like new again. Slide outs are great but they put a lot of strain on the shell and structure of the trailer. Even if you fixed the crack and refinished it, it might open up again if it moves when the slide out is opened. Drilling a hole, like mentioned, usually will stop the crack, sealing it up and keeping an eye on it might be the best remedy for now.
  • It's likely a stress crack. The simple fix would be to drill a small hole at the end of the crack to stop it from spreading, then caulk it. The proper fix would be a fibreglass patch and paint but it will be hard to match and blend it in.