TecheMan wrote:
mooring product wrote:
TecheMan wrote:
Wow the Ford blew it with 6.0 and they know it. You probably could tell by your trade in value. But congrats on the new truck. I don't like to see you leave Ford but Dodge is a awesome replacement and ya'll look really happy. Thanks for the post it's a beautiful truck and family.
Happy Camping TecheMan
I got 14k for my truck so I cant complain. The 6.0 was great to me once I deleted all the EPA******and added ARP studs.
Yeh that's nice trade in there. Had you not done that work the trade would of stung. How much camper can that new truck pull?
Resale seems good on these trucks. Sadly I had a gentelman show up hours after I signed the papers with 16K cash.
I sent him to the dealer....not sure if they sold it or not.
The new truck is an animal at pulling but on the light side for a truck camper. Ill be over GVWR Im sure.
Keeping the Lance 881.