Fishbreath wrote:
How come the picture of the Ford does not include the tow truck that dropped it off?
Just kidding.
My 6.0 blew up on the new owner after I traded it in. He only got 30 miles on it.
That is why you are smiling in picture.
Enjoy the new truck and new truck brand.
funny story. Happened to me too; 2 days after I traded in my Ford truck, I got a call from the CHP. They found my truck along the road near the river. I told them I had traded it in 2 days earlier at a DODGE dealer and it wasn't mine any more.
I love my 2006 Dodge truck. Other than upgrades, I've never had to do anything but put in fuel and change the oil and filters. That Cummins engine is a brute! Never could figger out why anyone needed to CHIP one either.