Forum Discussion

markowwes's avatar
Aug 08, 2018

Finally Showed up

So she finally showed up, ordered it back in March, was built on June 17, took about a Month and a half to get to my dealership. Anyway it took me about a week to get it ready to haul, this included: rebuild the camper hold-down as they changed the frame behind the cab, modify the hitch as they changed the spring hangers at the back and mount/wire in the service body, Other than that it went quite well. Made a trip to a lake for the long weekend all systems run great. I thought I might not need the Firestone Ride Rites I had on the 2008 but she still squats a little too much with just the camper. Going to mount the winch now and wire in the up-fitter switches, that’s going to be a project!
Wife wants to go to the Kalispell area for Sept long, I should be ready. Anyone know of a nice camp ground around there?

  • Looks like a tight fit to change a tire with those wheel wells. The front, in comparison, makes the tire look tiny.

    That's a heck of a rear bumper if the camper is mostly on the truck. How much does that add to the weight?

    How much weight on the front axle, loaded and unloaded? It looks like the front is unweighted with the camper on is why I ask. Judging from the running board though, looks level.

    I wish it was mine!
  • Look great and a nice fit with the camper installed. Are there tie-downs for the rear? Could a spare tire fit in the forward compartment passenger side? Really looks clean and worth the wait I'm sure.
  • ScottG wrote:
    You need to resize to 640x480 per the forum guidelines.

    Got it
  • Looks very practical to me. Love the storage space even TC are not build for looks.
    Had been to Kalispell area on business years ago and it made it to my bucket list for TC.
    Don't forget to bring pictures from the trip.