1. $1000 total profit? No way. They wouldn't be in business long at that rate. $1000 total salesman's commission? Quite possibly.
2. Doc fees. You WILL pay a doc fee. Forget what it's for, you will pay it. The dealer might back the numbers out of a total price, but you will still pay it. If a doc fee is waived for a single retail buyer, the dealer knows that a very distasteful class action law suit could be just one hungry attorney away!!
3. OP, how many available units exactly like the one you want are there within a reasonable radius of where you live? If the answer is very few, you are in much less of a negotiating position than if there are many. COVID-19 has brought buyers out of the woodwork, and dealers are in a position to maximize their profits. If you don't buy it today, somebody is likely to come along tomorrow and buy it for a little more than what you are willing to pay. A double-edged sword to be sure.