spoon059 wrote:
That's one way to look at it. The other way is that I remember growing up camping in a pop up and how much I disliked being cooped up in bad weather. I love my kids and want them to enjoy the experience. I don't know about you, but I hope that my kids have an easier life than I did... not a harder life.
Thankfully, I don't have to raise my family by your standards and you don't have to raise yours by mine.
We spent a lot of family time together when raining.
That is what board games, books, a few toys, small portable radio for music and imagination is all about, have a lot of fond memories from those experiences. We HAD to learn to "get along", we HAD to learn to share (not much space for a lot of "stuff either"), we HAD to learn cooperation. We didn't have cellphones, tablets, laptops, game devices, DVD players which are all single person devices and activities which ISOLATE them from in person human interaction.
Family time is about connecting and bonding with your family, otherwise I am not really sure as to why folks spend the money on a cramped RV, after all you only are going to have only 300 square feet of space in say a 35ft RV.
Sure, there were times when we had a fight or two, those fights were for only a few minutes and we HAD to learn to resolve our differences, but in the end, my brothers and sisters ARE still my family.
While I am the only sibling that does camp, they have other interests which take their time and resources but we do all stay in touch.
Sorry that you did not have such a good experience, perhaps you can use some of my point of view as something to consider.. Your kid's WILL grow up fast and then they will be gone from your camping experience in a flash.
My only child is now in College but we have been camping since she was only 2 yrs old.. Granted it is only one child, but I wanted her to see life outside the comfy home life. Yeah, she does take a lot of electronic stuff but she does enjoy board games on those rainy days.
When they are young, it can be a challenge of frustration camping but they are only young once and it does not require a big RV but they do require you as a parent to take time out of your schedule and perhaps play board games, read some books with your young kids and so on..
I AM thankful that my parents squashed us all into that little camper.