Forum Discussion

Prominion's avatar
Mar 22, 2013

First Hardside - 2011 Lance 830

So after Ninja Pop-Upping for many years, we've bought our first hardside. I'll be sad to see the Milner go, but am looking forward to many warmer nights for winter camping.
New 2011, but it hasn't weathered all that well in the dealers yard. Some good PDI is going to be required. I've researched this model pretty well, but i'd still appreciate insight from other owners about what i should watch out for and where i might gain some additional benefit.
Maiden voyage Easter weekend fishing for big Columbia River rainbow in the West Kootenays, not that i care if we ever catch fish...will post pics after i get it rigged.

woohoo! hardside! except for the tent...where you still can't sleep holding a fish in bear country, but we already know that from the pop-ups :)
  • I have the same unit...Ive had a few problems here and there...but we use it alot....enjoy...the tent is the best thing