CavemanCharlie wrote:
Actually, I sense a problem here. Everyone is quick to say WDH without asking what spring package I have first. The best WDH in the world will not work well if you don't have enough springs.
Actually "THE PROBLEM" IMO is being highlighted in your misconception in the above statement and apparent lack of understanding of WDH purposes why they are used sort of fits right in with what can only be called a interesting concept of thinking that 120mi is being a "LONG TRIP". I have barely finished the coffee in my travel mug before I've gone 120mi on one of our "ROAD TRIPS". Our last one was from just outside of D.C. all the way down to Key West and back up the west coast of Fl. to Ft. Myers and home ... 50 days and close to 4,000 miles.
You are the very first and most likely the last person that has ever considered that using a WDH has anything to do with the type of "spring package" one has.