Check the value on
NADAWill they fix issues found during THEIR inspection? If you decide to buy it, nake them hook it up, then run the AC, Water Heater Fridge and furnace. The fridge takes a day or more to cool off. Make sure the fridge switches iver to gas when the electric is cut off. Light all burners on the stove and heat something up in the microwave. Open doors and doors to inspect for water stains. Bounce on the floor to ensure its not spongy.
Roll out the awning, inspect the pass-thru storage. Look at the manufacture date on the tires including the spare. Ask about wheel bearing maintenance.
After hooking it up test the panic switch on the brake controller and do multiple start stops in their parking lot.
Check operation of all lights - running lights too. Check the operation of all vent fans.
Good luck with it.