Forum Discussion

tomb48's avatar
Feb 11, 2018

First time out

Brand spanking new, first time out - Axle & frame bent, towed back to dealer.Totaled!!! Unbelievable.
  • Well that's bad luck on your part, but certainly not a reflection on the brand or quality of the trailer. Any trailer (or vehicle of any kind) would be severely damaged by running into a guard rail.

    I'm assuming you and any passengers were uninjured, and hope your insurance (or that of the person at fault) makes you whole.
  • Sounds like the Motorhome and their toad, some driver merging onto the freeway tried to force their way between the toad and the MH thinking the "driver" of the toad would back off, didn't work out too well for them.

    That story came out during a discussion about using "In Tow" signage on the back of a toad.

  • About viewing the images? I'm able to view the images on one of my laptop computers at home, but not on different one. I cannot see the images on Smart Phone. I'm doing a Work From Home today, and just checked my company laptop, connected through my company system, and I don't see the image on that computer either.

    There must be something going on with the OP's Verizon Cloud and how each computer or network is reacting to it, the fact that some folks can see the images and some cannot. FYI, my company blocks all web photo hosting sites, so I'm not surprised on that computer at all.

    However! If you right click on he OP's original post where it simply says *Image* and then click on "Copy Link" in the drop down, and then do a "Paste" in a new browser window, Or even this browser window, you will go to the Verizon page and you'll be able to see that image. Don't know why the actual link to the image works on some computers and not on others!

    Good luck. See if this helps viewing some of these photo hosting sites that don't do true file share!
  • Well ok, that was a bit of photo posting weirdness. Verizon cloud in their infinite wisdom decided to convert the OP's file into a file extension of jfif. This format does not seem to be supported by the rvnet photo posting software.

    So, let's see if you can see this one that I converted to a jpg.

  • It's easy to total a travel trailer. Pretty much any collision is a total, or so the guy at CW said.