We (mostly) parked our pup outside, but on a few occasions, would pull it into the garage. Instead of attempting to back it with your tow vehicle, why not just put the wheel on the tongue jack, disconnect from the tow vehicle, and PUSH it into the garage! Our Starcraft Venture PUP (1999) weighed more than 2000 pounds and I could push it around with no problems. I'd even hitch it to my riding lawn mower (I put a ball in the hole in the back of the mower),mower to drag the thing around through the grass.
That's the ONE thing I really miss about having a PUP, is the ability to put the wheel on the tongue and simply push it in any direction, even turning it 90 degrees at campsites so the front door is facing the back of the campsite and the back side is facing the road with the bunk ends over the side of the parking pad. Versatility and portability is the best feature of a PUP.