pmlevine wrote:
So, a travel trailer of 3800 pounds is way too much for a Nissan Frontier V6, with a stated max tow capacity of 6000 pounds?
Others may disagree but IMO towing any dual axle trailer this size and larger is just too much for anything less than a 1/2 ton. Crunch the numbers yourself and there's little doubt that real world payload capacity of your truck, with people in the cab and cargo in the back, will be severely limited in terms of how much gross tongue weight it can also accommodate. Remember, a so-called "tow capacity" of 6000 lbs doesn't mean you can tow anywhere near that much trailer as that figure also must include the weight of everything else the truck must carry - people, cargo, and any gross tongue weight transferred from the trailer to the truck. Towing at or anywhere near any vehicle's maximum capacity is no fun at all ... throw in serious upgrades and heavy head winds and you'll soon realize this is anything but an ideal situation. :E Ultimately it's up to you ... but having learned the hard way myself I wouldn't do it. And yes, I've done my own
trailer towing calculations.