SoundGuy wrote:
Redwoodcamper wrote:
If I need two more batteries for more amp hrs I can stash them in the front pass through.
AGMs sure, but you wouldn't want to be storing conventional flooded in the front pass through cargo compartment. ;)
As far as the fridge is concerned you'd draw down the batteries l-o-n-g before you ran out of propane. And FWIW, you don't have two 20 gal tanks but rather two 20 lb tanks - BIG difference. ;)
I'm not sure why you'd think 2 6v will hold more power for solar? A super expensive super high rated 6v comes in around 220ah
A high level 12v comes in at 280ah. It would take tqo batteries to equal the same reserve output, that makes no sense. Two of those 280ah batteries would power about 25amps worth of stuff for about 15 hours. If Assuming ideal solar conditions, and 5 peak solar hours a day, you need 2400/5, or 480W of solar. You can buy two 250W panels which would cover this. you have 200 watt solar panels filling those two batteries, and if you were using heavily, you could fully charge them this way. This of course assumes you're just working with 200ah batteries as that's the "norm". The weight difference will be about 6 pounds from 12v to 6v, unless you were to use a series with the 6v batteries extremely high capacity 6v batteries often weigh more than 12v batteries with the same output..
I guess what I'm trying to say..... get two 250 watt panels, and two 12v 200+ah batteries and you'll likely be able to boondocks until your propane /tanks get full :)
To give some insight this would charge your single 12v battery in about 6 hours, if you were in the sun all day. Your batteries would charge and drain during the day and useable overnight. two of these units wouldn't work because of the controller having a max of 400 watts. Once you start getting into 6v systems, even wired for 12 your capacity rarely goes up enough to warrant the 6v system. At that point the only real benefit is weight.