your "big finger" is in the way... :-)
If I am seeing your picture correctly, the white cable and the portion of "bare copper" is from the same cable. It would appear that perhaps some one might have found that the antenna was not working correctly and thought that perhaps running another wire might help... which looks like they appeared to want to run as some form of ground. The crimp on the coax connector looks somewhat "suspicious" (ie. poor). Disconnect that end. Find where the other end goes (ie. radio)... disconnect at that end. Temporarily make a connection between the center conductor and the outside portion of the connect at one end of the cable. At the other end, get a meter, set it on resistance readings and measure the resistance between the center and the outside (ie. sheath / ground). See what the reading is... I suspect that the connector at the antenna is not made properly and has NO / open ground. It may not actually matter as I do believe most antennas are "single wire" but perhaps the "ground" is actually shorting the main conductor somewhere along the route.