Forum Discussion

patriotgrunt's avatar
Jan 02, 2017

Ford 6.2 Mileage while towing

Can anyone give me a good estimate on the mileage Ford's 6.2 V8 with 3.73 rear end gets when towing a 10k fifth wheel? My father's looking to upgrade his TV so he can get a fifth wheel but he doesn't trust new diesels. I estimated 8-9 mpgs which is what his eco-boost gets now towing a bumper pull. Thanks in advance!
  • patriotgrunt wrote:
    l but he doesn't trust new diesels. !

    Just curious, what doesn't he trust about them??? (Sincere question)

    I personally, have been lied to and had more practical jokes played on me by them pesky little hybrid engines. (Me being a smart @$$)
  • I tow a 10K fifth wheel with a 2012 F 250. Going one way thru the smokies from IL to SC i normally get 8.7 driving 65. Last time the puter showed 9.0 which I think is somewhat optimistic.

    i got he 4.30 gears though. Had to order it but when you are old as me you can take a little time and get xactly what you want.

    Based on my experience with the 4.30's, with 3.73 you are gonna be running a 5 speed cus it won't pull it in 6th without jockeying up and down.
  • I tow a small toyhauler TT with that setup that has a lot less frontal area than a fiver. I get 8.2 @ 60-62 on the flats in 5th gear. Traveling from SC through the NC mountains and back into N Georgia, around 6. You will have to wind it up RPM wise to get it moving and hill pulling.

    Truck is a 2016 XLT Super Crew 6.5 bed FX-4.
  • Thanks Spud! He's found a really good deal on a closeout 2016 and I hope he pulls the trigger. The 6.2 with the 6R140 transmission is an unbeatable combination and super reliable.