Forum Discussion

Iceman31's avatar
Aug 19, 2013

Ford Extended Warranty and Service Plan

I recently traded my 2011 Ford F150 on a 2013 Dodge Ram 2500. On the Ford I had both Extended Warranty and a Service Plan. I contacted Ford Canada and they told me that In order to cancel those plans I would have to contact the selling dealer. I contacted them this morning and here is their response:

First question - Did you buy another Ford? - My answer No I did not

Second E-mail I received was this:

Ok, thats too bad to hear that. Unfortunately the warranty and service plan can only be cancelled if the vehicle was written off or if you purchased a new plan on a new vehicle then the credits could be applied to it. Thats why I asked if you got another ford. Sorry.

I have asked Ford Canada to clarify this answer as I think it is complete bull.

Has anyone else had this experience?

Not a happy camper right now.
  • Hey, we Canadians are used to getting oned by the big companies and we are still rated as one of the happiest countries to live in???:S
    Way back bout 20 years ago I was at a job selling Sea-Doos amongst other things. We had direct delivery by factory truck so had as cheap as possible freight to get them on the floor. We are in extreme western Ontario on the USA border and 2 miles away was a dealer in the US who could sell for about 20 percent cheaper all day, every day.
    His units were shipped to Florida for distribution througout the USA then shipped way back north to International Falls, MN.
    Bombardiers explanation for this..
    We price to market...
    means we charge what the market will pay so Canadians just pay more for a canadian made product
  • txdutt wrote:
    damn, laws are different north of the border...I've had ESP plans on vehs that were traded & have gotten refunds here--that sucks

    Agreed, in the U.S. it can be cancelled for a refund on a pro rated basis
  • damn, laws are different north of the border...I've had ESP plans on vehs that were traded & have gotten refunds here--that sucks
  • Here is the exact wording from the 2013 FORD of Canada ESP manual...

    All plans are eligible for termination and refund within the first 60 days...

    After 60 days a contract can only be terminated

    1-in the event of a total loss (and they need real proof from Insurance company)

    2-Due to a transfer of coverage to a new vehicle through the ESP Customer Loyalty Advantage program

    So the dealer told you exactly as Fords policy stands..
  • BS, from the Ford ESP "Frequently asked questions page";

    Q: Can I cancel my Ford ESP?

    A: Yes. All Ford ESP contracts can be canceled for a full refund within 30 days (if you have not used any aspect of the plan). Beyond 60 days, you will receive a pro-rated refund from Ford Motor Company. To cancel a Ford ESP simply call us toll free at 1-937-552-5616.


  • Don't let them railroad you. If the contract is clear, they'll have to follow it.
  • What does the contract from your 2011 F150 say regarding this topic?