I made this for our Arctic Fox 1140. The upperstep comes off with just two wingnuts to allow access to the basement drawer. material and powder coating $200.00
Last January I drove out to Portland in 3 1/2 days to pick up the camper. I made it back as far as Rawlings, Wy before they closed the interstate. I had to back track to Salt Lake and then down to Tucson to pick up I-10 to home. The return trip took 7 days. Totally worth it. Saved a ton of money and it was a great adventure.
I like it, just not sure I would want to have to remove it every time I wanted to get into the storage tray area. I guess a lot depends on what you keep in there. Im inside mine pretty often. Nice job though!!
Here is a picture showing the braces with the top step removed. You can see the four lag screws holding it to the bumper, (and if you look closely the poor welding job).
As for the welding, powder coating covers a lot of sins.
What you can't see in the picture is the larger bottom step is bolted across the back using the same bolts as the bumper and underneath are three supports that butt up against the bumper. The bottom platform is basically a permanent installation.
Only the top step is held on by the 3/8" bolts and wing nuts and they just keep it from rocking when you step on it.
Reddgog, I agree. That's a great job, but I would probably put a strip across where the wingnuts are and spread the load out. I'm about to try fabbing something similar, but it'll be my first shot welding aluminum, so it probably won't look as good as Macdale's does:)