Forum Discussion

wirenutz's avatar
Nov 04, 2013

freightliner fl 60

we did it, we pulled the pin on a used 1999 freightliner fl60 this weekend, we live in Seattle and found it in Portland, we drove our toad down and pulled the toad back behind it, its all white 4 door with the 3126 cat motor, the truck has 186K on the ticker, but 2K on the factory rebuilt motor, this monster just floats down the roads doing 70 at 1500 RPM's. we used an 1/8 of a tank coming back home, cant wait to hook it up to our 40 foot toy hauler and see how it does, will post some pictures soon
  • wirenutz wrote:
    we did it, we pulled the pin on a used 1999 freightliner fl60 this weekend, we live in Seattle and found it in Portland, we drove our toad down and pulled the toad back behind it, its all white 4 door with the 3126 cat motor, the truck has 186K on the ticker, but 2K on the factory rebuilt motor, this monster just floats down the roads doing 70 at 1500 RPM's. we used an 1/8 of a tank coming back home, cant wait to hook it up to our 40 foot toy hauler and see how it does, will post some pictures soon

    Jealous! Congrats and keep us updated.
  • Congrats on the new hauler, the only way to tow these big rigs in my opinion, ours gets the same mileage as are F350 Power Stroke, but a whole lot more stable and of course a lot better braking power when needed. Will be looking for pics in the near future///
  • wirenutz wrote:
    Home Eagle , DW is willing to get behind the wheel, but not with the trailer attached

    Same here never drove the pick-up with trailer on ,so didn't expect her to drive the volvo hooked up.
    Iam just glad she not a skeerd to drive it bobtail. :-)
  • Home Eagle , DW is willing to get behind the wheel, but not with the trailer attached
  • The wives are always leary about what the DH (lunatic ) is up to now.Thats why after new couples come to one of the HDT rallies,they soon return next year with a 'heavy'.
    They just dont want to look foolish by being the only one.
    When they see the other gals driving around ,they usually come on board.
  • Keith haw, my wife was a little leery about going so big, but after the drive home from Portland she now says we made the right choice for pulling our toy hauler
  • I have the 3126E on a FL chassis and it's been bullet proof. Good choice. Congrats!
  • You do know the legal speed limit for towing in Wa is only 60 don't ya? Just kidding, glad to hear you got one. I've been wanting to pick one up for some time now, but DW keeps saying no.