Devocamper wrote:
thanks for the help , my upper vent cover has two of the rows covered with some sheet metal came from the factory that way so I guess it is to create more flow up higher in the box. I am going to try the two 92mm 50 cfm fans first see how that works should be a direct mount to the current bracket without trying to drill new holes to mount bigger fans . thanks again for the help glad its not just my fridge fan that's a PITA .
Normally with a Dometic fridge with an assist fan or fans in the upper cavity, there will be (supposed to be but not always installed by the camper builder) a curved baffle that goes behind the upper condenser and curves outward and fastens to the substructure of the camper inside the outer wall (If you look at the ARP site pictures, you'll see it and it's in the Dometic PDF file as well. The baffle has to go behind the upper condenser and fasten to the camper substructure. It's purpose is to direct the air flow up and out.
While you are in there (with the covers removed, I'd suggest having a look-see at the insulation between the fridge and the outer cabinet that the fridge is secured to. In my case I had a very minimal amount of insulation (pink glass wool). I went to Lowes and purchased a roll of R15 unfaced insulation, 24" wide and added about 1/2 the roll in the space between the fridge and the cabinet. I used a length of wooden stick to stuff in the insulation (you won't be able to get your hand in there) and I stuffed the space between the fridge body and the outer cabinet on the top and both sides. Every little bit helps. Thin K paid about 8 bucks for the roll. You need to wear latex gloves and a particle mask when you do it however.
In my case I had maybe one third of the insulation needed. Another advantage to stuffing in the insulation is it muffles the fan noise even more.
If you add insulation, have fun and don't get itchy....