Forum Discussion

19D20's avatar
Sep 02, 2014

Fridge settings during travel

We're ready for our first trip in our new Travelite Idea I-18. SW Washington to McCall Idaho. About a 12 hr drive. One of my many questions is what is the best way to use the fridge. Load it here? wait till I get there? Settings to use during travel? We will be gone 4 nights. The fridge is a RM2354 (3 way model) If it is set on the DC mode, and plugged in to the tow vehicle, will cool ok during travel? If the tow vehicle engine is turned off for fuel or a break, will the fridge draw from both the house and vehicle battery? Should I turn on the propane and set the fridge on auto? Do I turn off the propane prior to refueling? Any help appreciated!

Joe R.
SW Washington
  • Gas setting will result in the coldest - DC setting will result in the cheapest - your choice.
  • If you're using it in DC mode, it will draw from both camper and TV battery so be careful if you park for a long time. Unless you have an isolator installed on TV, it will run the truck battery down.
  • We keep our fridge on 24x7 (parked at home) on electric. But it's set on "Auto" so it will flip over to gas if there's a power outage. We leave one propane tank on also.

    When traveling, we don't do anything except load the food the night before. Anything frozen, we attempt to put it in the main freezer in the house and get it frozen first, then put it in the camper the evening before.

    Traveling, nothing changes. The refer runs on propane and when we reach our site it automatically switches back to electricity when we plug the camper in.

    You're 3 way should switch to battery only when there is no electric and no propane.

    Just flip the switch on "auto" and have fun!

    Good luck. Congrats on your new camper!
  • Our TT is stored at home and we turn fridge on auto day or two before we leave so it can cool down to proper operating temp. Of course once we unplug fridge it runs on propane while traveling down the road. Probably a good idea to turn off fridge while refueling but the majority more than likely doesn't. Enjoy your first trip out.
  • I set mine to run on gas the evening before I leave then I load up the fridge and travel while on gas. I only have a 2-way so if I had a dc option I would probably travel with the DC on to save a little gas (not that these burn much gas).