I never have it perfectly level so the water can drain off a little. Nose down a little. Never had an issue before.
I took it to the dealer and he said it's not even ammonia anymore. It's some new helium stuff. http://www.atwoodmobile.com/refrigerators/
Helium Refrigerators
Atwood Helium Refrigerators are designed to perform where traditional RV refrigerators fail. When used in an out of level situation, traditional RV refrigerators with hydrogen gas in the cooling system can generate excessive heat and compromise system integrity. Atwood refrigerators utilize a helium based cooling system strategically engineered to minimize excessive heat while providing superior durability and performance.
Say it has tilt sensor built in. When I unplugged the power to the fridge, I could hear the gas ignition tying to start (gas was turned off). I did jack up the front to see if I did anything and it didn't.
So who knows. As long as I was bringing it in, I told them about a couple minor warranty items to get done too so it's not a wasted trip if it's something silly with the fridge.