Ah, the dreaded Atwood Helium Fridge...
My new 2015 (delivery April 2014) Fun Finder had that joke of a fridge (at least mine sure was, and I have read of others problems with it, too).
Far too many issues to cover here, but the thing NEVER once worked properly - it was either the propane side or the electric side and each issue would stop then reappear. It has (as do some others) a problem that is known to Atwood and which they cannot fix. I was given some song 'n dance from a higher-up at Atwood about a supplier in China, blah, blah, blah, but "it is fixed now"...she was quite wrong.
After my big trip to Oregon a couple of months ago, during which the Atwood never worked right, Atwood paid to have its POS replaced with a Dometic (this was just a few weeks ago). I keep going out to check on it and it's cooling its little heart out. The loss of 1 cubic foot was worth a hopefully worry-free fridge.
Good luck. I hope yours is not the lemon mine was.