Forum Discussion

hpcbmw's avatar
Jul 22, 2020

Front hitch to carry motorcycle

I've got a 2000 F250 diesel shortbed with a FWC camper. The camper sticks out about 12" beyond the bed of the truck, just enough that I can't use a rear motorcycle hitch carrier/mototote without some sort of extension. The extension adds wobble and reduces carrying capacity enough that it doesn't look like it's a good idea.

I currently have a front receiver hitch that comes out behind the license plate of the truck. This is so high that my motorcycle on my mototote, and even bikes on a bike rack, are right at eye level, so too high to safely drive. To lower the height, I have to use an extension/drop system, again adding wobble and reducing carrying capacity.

I have an option to remove my existing front hitch and install one that mounts under the frame, so it's about 10" lower. Before spending the time and money on this option, I thought I'd see how well it works for others.

My questions:

1. has anyone used a front hitch for a motorcycle and if so, what problems do you run into? The bike I intend to carry is a CRF230l which weighs about 250lbs. Does this much weight on the front of the truck cause handling problems?

2. Has anyone used an extension/drop hitch system to carry a motorcycle or item of similar weight, and were there any concerns or problems?

3. Do you use extra headlights and turn signals up front, since the motorcycle is likely to block to these?

Thanks for any input!
  • We carry two bicycles on a front hitch with a total weight of 70 lbs. I would hate to have to carry more than that.
    I'd want to look at a trailer (covered trailer?) that would safely carry the cycle and not affect seeing the road and not eliminate driving at night if loaded on the front AND not bounce around like our bikes do.
  • I carry a similar sized motorcycle on the front of my motorhome at times (and did for many years on my old E350 van pulling a TT). I can obviously see the bike, but it does not obstruct my view. There is some interference of lights, but not a big deal. I've driven at night without problem. I have noticed no cooling issues.

    The only time it's weird is when I carry a bike on the front of my van with no other load in it. It squats significantly, but still works fine. On the motorhome, it doesn't affect it at all, if anything it's good to get some weight up front to help balance out my 10+ feet of overhang in the rear lol.

    If you use an extension on the rear carrier, how will you get into your camper?
  • I've got a 2000 F250 diesel shortbed with a FWC camper. The camper sticks out about 12" beyond the bed of the truck, just enough that I can't use a rear motorcycle hitch carrier/mototote without some sort of extension. The extension adds wobble and reduces carrying capacity enough that it doesn't look like it's a good idea.

    Put a Reese solid bar extension on the rear,there rated way heavier than your bike is..Then put a wobble stopper on it for the wobble they sometimes give..

    My 18" is rated for 400# and 600# with WD if memory serves..
  • DWeikert wrote:
    Have you considered something like this?
    Roadmaster Hi-Low Hitch Riser

    I use one of these on my truck.

    My hitch is low which works great for the motorcycle. I never travel at night so headlights is not a problem. Bugs on the motorcycle is the only problem I have.

    I also tow a boat and use the hi low adapter to raise my hitch when I use the front hitch to launch a boat. Makes it much easier when you have a camper on board.
  • I think if I was changing a hitch to haul MC I would put a receiver near both frame rails, to use 2. Much stronger, much more stable. And, if you ever decided to use it for a idiot hitch you could hook to right and at least see one side of trailer.
  • There are “anti-rattle” dealies to stop the floppage between hitches and receivers that would tighten up a drop attachment. And then some triangle turnbuckle bracing as mentioned and it should work.

    Now is when I would engineer a little lift using a ATV winch that lowers the bike carrier to the earth for the easiest loading ever.
  • I cut in and welded in a receiver into the cross member of my Boss snow plow frame mount. I use it to carry my 35" dia tire which is below my line of sight when driving. Very easy and It is extremely strong, frame mounted assembly. I also installed turnbuckles back at angle using existing holes in the Boss mount. The parts (used takeoffs) required are easily found on craigslist. PM me and I can send photos.
  • I did have the hitch you have on my older truck, but for my 2017 F350 I got front hitch that mounts under the frame, sitting below the bumper.
    I think would you be able to find this kind, that would solve your problem, at least to some degree.
    My low hitch is by Curt, when I noticed for the same 2017 model - Torklift makes high hitches like you have.