FishOnOne wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
Seems alot of the Powerstroke guys think they need additives to save their engines...
Unless there's a problem you're trying to cure or you bought the wrong fuel for the weather, there is no need to add anything but diesel to your diesel tank.
Just so you know...
I have ~215k miles on my Powerstroke and used a antigel fuel additive a couple of times that I recall when the temps got really cold. The last time was this past February, but even then it probably wasn't necessary.
One can read this in 2 different ways.....
1 - That Cummins engines NEEDS extra help :B
2 - That Cummins is gonna buy Power Service and they are amping up their business...
Either way, I wave been in Ford diesels from the 7.3.. to the 6.0 , 6.4, and now my 2nd 6.7 and have not used anything in any of them... I DID use the winter blend ( white ) Power Service in my old 1 Stack Mack, "R" Model back in the day...:C