While you will find that more of the forum members are extended travelers in their TCs, very few are full timers. Probably could count them on the fingers of one hand.
Quite a few will spend a month to multiple months at a time in their TCs, most have a home somewhere that they return to for part of the year. Not sure that we have had any couples posting that they have full timed it or are currently doing it. The others are all single guys that I can think of at this time. May be some couples, I just don't know about. I have known a couple of guys that used their TCs for housing as they work at jobs that move around the country. The only time their TC moves is when they change job locations. Probably not the generally accepted idea of a full timer though, but they do sleep in their TC every night of the year, for the most part.
Most full time couple seem to want more living space than is available in a TC. Fifth Wheels, motorhomes and large travel trailers are more often the rig of choice of full timers. But every one has to decide how much personal space do they need to be comfortable.