I guess I'm one of those that don't understand why anyone would drink hot water from the faucet, unless you're using the water to make instant coffee or hot tea and just don't want to heat from cold water.
I've never heard of NOT drinking from a water heater with an anode rod, I guess I just learned something today. I guess once we get the camper fired up (if it ever quits snowing in Indiana), I'll have to taste the hot water in the camper! (I will admit, I've never done that before though).
As far as you water heater goes though, you need to rinse out your water heater tank real good. Get a small hose that can attach to a garden hose or get a water heater tank want that attaches to your garden hose and flush out the tank through the anode rod-drain plug hole, and get as much of the calcium build up on the bottom of the tank out.
Also, rinse off the anode rode to get any immediate flaky stuff off of it. The anode is designed to deteriorate, and those particles have to go somewhere. Usually settle on the bottom of the tank or they get stirred up and come out your faucets. Most likely, settle on the bottom.