Forum Discussion

carl2591's avatar
Explorer III
Aug 04, 2015

Funny A$$ video on how NOT to back a camper,, LOL

happen to see this video on youtube and thanks goodness it was speeded up.

I laughed so hard i fell out of chair.. this is eppic FAIL on camper backing and it's not a long camper..
  • ahhh cannon beach. Walked up that road many a times LOL. it's pretty obvious there's no turn around before you get there. Ugh.....
  • I think the guy knows how to backup a trailer... Just didn't have the sense to just back straight back like he finally ended up doing with the nice fellow that guided him out eventually...

  • That's painful to watch but we all make mistakes in where we go...

    I was traveling through Oregon once and went through Bend. My kids were tired and restless so I decided to find a park. Having only a very vague knowledge of Bend I looked up parks on the navigation and went to the nearest one.

    The kids were cranky so I wasn't really paying attention... but after pulling off the main road it was "no turning back" until we got to the end. The park road winded back through trees to a oval loop next to a river. The loop was filled with cars. There was no place to do a trailer "12 point" turn around. No place to back out, etc. It was a tense 10 or so minutes to pull around that loop and make sure we didnt hit any cars with multiple pull forward/back up attempts. I had a short travel trailer like that guy in the video at the time. If I had a 25+ footer I think I would have literally been stuck until I could have gotten people to move their cars.
  • That's my youngest daughter with a car... not even a trailer.

    I participated in a consumer clinic on trailer backup aids... i screwed their study up, trailer perfectly backed up without the aid, and totally screwed it up with the aid ;)
  • He never made contact with the truck or other objects. I'll give him credit for that. :B