Forum Discussion

6pac's avatar
Jan 19, 2014

Furnace blower?

Does anyone know how many amps the blower pulls? The reason I ask is we've been awaken by low bat alarm while running on bat with the furnace heating the Lance. We've had the bat checked with a load tested in two places both said the bat is good.
Happy Traveling
  • As we remember we've used this Lance since 2006 we it was purchased an it's done this only twice recently. That why I'm thinking either a bad bat or one that needs a good charging.
    Happy Traveling
  • Jimh425
    That 's what I'm thinking so I'm thinking I'll put it on a slow charger 2 amps overbite an see what happens!
    Happy Traveling
  • Abslayer.
    Only one bat class 27 was going to upgrade to an AGM class 31. If we had been told ours was bad ...but that was not the case!Happy Traveling
  • I know that the Atwood 16,000 btu in mine draws 3.4 amps running.
  • Fwiw, I've only had a battery die at night if the battery isn't taking a full charge.
  • I measured my furnace the other day it is a 20+ year old one on a Shadow Cruiser, so I don't know how it compares to ones on Lances - I think it was 3 amps while running. The current draw will be both the fan and the solenoid valve for the gas.

  • Thanks for your reply. That what we were afraid of, we're living in our Lance while helping our son out with the grandchildren. You know Wally World, Craker Barrell , etc
    Happy Traveling
  • I have found that if it is cold outside and the furnace is running a lot it will drain the batteries before the night is through.