JRRNeiklot wrote:
I shorted the thermostat out of the equation and the fan comes on. I'm thinking now that there is a break in the thermostat wiring. I'm going to run new thermostat wires and see if that fixes it. Meanwhile, there is some brown water running in the floor near the furnace. The furnace is near the sink, but I don't have any leaks, either in the trailer itself or around the sink. It's an old trailer, could that be condensation running through rust?
Frankly, without being able to see the location and surrounding area, anything would be a guess. My WAG--rain has entered the exhaust or inlet ducts and has migrated downward.
With an older furnace like you have, it may be a good idea to look it all over and check everything real good. A few things I'd check would be the connectors on the circuit board, the condition of the sail on the sail switch, and the mentioned intake/exhaust ducts. If you can get some oil onto the fan's rotating parts, you'd be like a boss. :B
Good luck with your furnace ills. If you have made the fan spin, you're almost heating.