kohldad wrote:
I'm getting pretty good with Basecamp since Microsoft S&T won't work on Win 10.
I've had the problems in the past. Here is an example of going from west side of RMNP (Stillwater) to Estes Park on the east side. Note it is 144 miles in 3:35.

By adding a couple of waypoints, finally had Basecamp heading the way I want which is through RMNP. Note this way is 52.6 miles in 2:51. So this is the route it should have selected to begin with.

What I do is pick my two points. Add a waypoint in between then keep moving the waypoint until the routes swaps to the other side. Then go back and add a second waypoint in the area just before the route swapped. Some times it takes several of these to get it to finally go the route I want.
I've looked at other programs, but Basescamp is the only one that works off line. Since I have a Garmin, I can also download and use the City Navigator which is the map on the Garmin so the routes in theory should be identical once transferred from Basecamp to Garmin. I haven't tried downloading yet because while I make plans we are retired and aren't in a hurry. Side trips are our norm and plans change often.
Your particular example is probably a "self-protection routing" because of RV or Truck selected as the vehicle ... routing through RMNP as you desired is "not recommended" for larger vehicles (and not possible during the winter when the road/pass closes). If you can change the vehicle to "car" (if possible ... I only use Basecamp for hiking/hunting trails) it may route you automatically as desired.