Forum Discussion

samhain7's avatar
Feb 22, 2019

Gas milage on Ram 2014 RAM 2500 6.4L

Hi all.
I know that winter gas is less efficient.
I know that the gas meter lies (but its realvant: if 3MPG off, it is always 3 MPG off)

So, my question is:
Can anyone think of a reason that my 2014 Dodge Ram 2500 6.4L with 103,000kms on it, would start getting worse and worse gas mileage?

When first owning the truck, on average I was around 18L/100KM.
Gradually, I am getting around 24L/100KM.(or around 10MPG) and I am not towing anything. I do know that I have reduced my highway travel a bit, but is anyone else seriously getting this type of result?
I am getting around 500km for 100L of fuel.
My dealership has been zero help!
  • ksss wrote:
    I would replace the air filter, plugs/top shelf plug wires) and run some quality gas treatment through it. Buy gas from a quality name (Chevron, Sinclair) and see if you find some improvement.

    ....Spark plug wires, lol. There is no way that's the problem cause there arent any.
    That thing doesnt even need plugs at that low miles, but for the $50 it costs, maybe put new plugs in it.
  • So you've gone from 13ish mpg to 12ish mpg. Change the readout on the dash to oil pressure or tire pressure or something other than fuel mileage. That usually helps with the gauge watching.
  • I would replace the air filter, plugs/top shelf plug wires) and run some quality gas treatment through it. Buy gas from a quality name (Chevron, Sinclair) and see if you find some improvement.
  • The sad thing about computerized vehicles the computer can make adjustments to keep the vehicle seemingly running correctly. Fuel mileage is a way to track problems that you cant feel in performance but doesn't tell you the problem.
  • 500 km per 100L is 12 mpg, which is exactly what Fuelly says is average for your truck. Kind of sucks but that's what I'd expect out of a big gasser not doing a bunch of unloaded highway miles.