samhain7 wrote:
LadyRVer wrote:
5.7 Hemi here... 2500. Towing 9600#, about 8.5 to 10 mpg avg. Sounds about right to me. I drive 55-60 m.p.h.
So your truck has a smaller engine and a heavier trailer and you are getting better gas mileage than me.
That doesn't sound right.
It doesn't matter if you're towing a 6,000 lbs trailer or a 8,000 lbs trailer, you can expect your MPG to remain in a fairly narrow window for a given speed. Weight really only plays a significant role when you're accelerating. Once cruising, it doesn't take nearly as much effort to keep that weight rolling.
The aerodynamics of the front and rear of the trailer has a bigger impact. The relatively flat front and rear creates significant drag that destroys your MPG. You can reasonably expect to get better MPG with a 8500 lbs boat than a 8500 lbs TT since the boat is better shaped aerodynamically than the TT.
Also the faster you drive the greater those drag forces impact your MPG so slow down and you'll see the results in your MPG. The results won't be dramatic, but when you add up those .5 and 1 MPG savings over 1000 miles then you can see how many extra gallons of fuel that you didn't need to purchase. On our longer trips a 1 MPG difference equates to about 3 less tanks of fuel.