wowens79 wrote:
Durb wrote:
Welcome to the forum. I'll see if I can answer some questions regarding sway which seems to be your major concern. Blue Ox makes 3 different weight distribution hitches. Don't use the round bar hitch with chains as it will do nothing for sway. The concept behind the TrackPro WDH is obvious as it is similar to Equalizer and some Reese products. I don't see the physics behind the SwayPro WDH except it relies on shorter chains and maybe a wider set on the bar mounts. It wouldn't be my first choice.
Your Escalade may be exacerbating your problem as I am assuming you have automatic load leveling. When you put a thousand pounds on your hitch ball the vehicle will pump up its air bags and level the load automatically. This is bad. High bag pressure on your rear axle will harden the suspension and cause it to serve as a fulcrum. The hitch weight will then unload your front tires and make things squirrelly. See if you can defeat this feature and rely on your weight distribution hitch to level the rig with trailer attached.
Thirdly, see if you can cancel your Blue Ox order and put the money towards a Hensley Arrow or ProPride hitch. Either of these will eliminate sway which is your concern. Good luck and enjoy your trailer.
The Sway Pro is a great hitch, I’ve used one for the last 5 years. When it try’s to sway, it puts more tension on the spring bar, and that pulls it back to the center. It’s like if you held a piece of rope with a weight in the middle, and the rope forming a V. If you pull the weight to the side, it goes back to the middle.
Best description I have seen yet. I have one and am still trying to figure out how to explain to someone how it works. It also has to do with the geometry of the bar sockets, the odd angle they are set at makes one side tighten up VERY quickly if the trailer and vehicle are not perfectly aligned.
The TrackPro is simply Blue Ox's attempt to mimic the Equal-i-zer hitch since 1) it works, and 2) a lot of people want that design because they are told "don't get the chain type hitches".
Its called a Sway Pro for a reason.