Forum Discussion

rcp123's avatar
Jul 21, 2014

Generator Question 30Amp to 20Amp issue?

I am thinking on buying a Champion 3100 inverter generator.

Based on my research it should run my A/C no problem (13,500BTU)

The only question I have is about plugging my camper into the generator's 30A socket, but only getting 20A out to trailer. The generator is only rated at 20A

Will my camper risk being damaged by using the 30A plug on the generator, or should I just use the regular plug (15A) instead?

My concern is if I use the 15A plug, the breaker in the camper may trip as it is rated for 15A, but would be getting 20A from generator.

I don't want to damage my camper.

Also, any issues with the Champion 3100 generator? I looked at Honda, etc but can't justify the extra money for brand name. The reviews on the Champion seem decent.

Any advice would help..
