According to this
Reference Chart, a standard fridge consumes 325watts or draws 2.7A. The starting current is about 13A for 1/2 a second or 1569Watts. The Honda 2000 has a continuous load capability of 1600watts and a peak of 2000. It'll handle 2 standard fridges just won't start them both at the same time. If you want portability for camping, then just get the EU2000i and the companion. If you have to be able to start 2 fridges at home with a single generator, a Yamaha EF3000 Boost will do it.
But for home use, I recommend a Honda ES6500 or comparable. I have one and it'll run my well pump, 2 fridges, 2 freezers, a/c, and even an electric stove(not while the well pump is running).
For occasional camping, the Honda 2000's are great. Plus the neighboring campers don't mind the quiet if in a no hookup campground.