I hunt in Montana every fall and the Honda EU3000 works great for me to charge my gps batteries and run my freezers when I bag an elk. My neighbors use the EU2000 and use it to light up their camp and run their trailers (x2) and it does all that they want it to do. I must say that quiet is good. When making a purchase like this you should cost average the price over the years of enjoyment. When cost averaging, the extra cost becomes negligible and you will have happy neighbors in your camping areas. Honda's are electric start and very reliable. I have heard that the new Yamaha's are nice as well but cost even more than the Honda. Don't forget that by not having a mounted generator on your trailer, that the generator will be portable and can be used for other projects or even to use as an emergency generator for power outages at home. The quietness of these generators is worth the extra money. Just my 2 cents worth.