Forum Discussion

grumpysmurf's avatar
Jul 10, 2015


Well we did it, bought a 2014 Rockwood A122BH Hard side. Right, wrong or indifferent we did it and are very excited. We need recommendations on generators. I have had Champion in past for another use and it was great, just a little loud in my opinion. I have heard Honda are probably the quietest but really expensive. The trailer is 30 amp. I welcome any all recommendations.
Thank you.
P.S. Did I say we were excited!
  • Like you, I have bought Champion Generators.
    They ARE a little more noisy, but since we only occasionally use in the daytime, I have had no complaints. Most of the time we are on shore power. I also use a 100 watt Solar panel when I can as I can.
  • Honda...Yamaha both high quality both quiet.

    Size depends on what your use is.
  • Dont rule out Kipor, they are quiet as well and cost less than Honda and Yamaha
  • Congrats. Regarding generators currently Yamahs makes quietest followed by Honda. For your own sake and those in ear shot DO NOT skimp. Cheaper units are nowhere as reliable or quiet
  • Posted 3 times.........uh make that 4 times.
    Earlier post at 4:05 has many suggestions.

    My suggestion.have MOD delete all your other posts so that you only have one and then you would get better responses.....all in one post
  • Some of us out here in the RV world are able to use our batteries without needing a generator. For me, I prefer the quietness that generators can't provide.
  • Congrats.
    It's obvious you're excited, you made the same post three times. :)
    Enjoy your travels.