drillking, in re reading your post, I'm curious as to why you'd think I'm "extremely afraid" of DH. This is certainly not something you're going to find as "breaking news" on CNN. Rather, wanting to be as sure as I can that this is something he's truly going to enjoy and feel that it's money well spent. Sort of a large step up from "do I buy the blue sweater or the scroll saw?" I am simply trying to be as sure as possible that he will love this, it meets our agreement that special trips need to be spaced out a bit and that it can all come together with the least chance for missing something great or making a major screwup on something that was a waste of time and money. Trust me on this, DH will cringe over the $$, because he does the same thing at the grocery store, but he will also be so excited and appreciative of the thought and preparation that went into this. Our BFF guarantees this and after 50 years of marriage, if I thought he was going to literally go nuts, I wouldn't be remotely considering it. I would be more "extremely afraid" of forgetting to buy beer for a camping trip than I am over this.