Forum Discussion

Hornnumb2's avatar
Oct 12, 2015

Glowstep Revolution

Just installed the Glowstep Revolution by Torklift. I had wanted something that when you are on those sites that you need an extra step and with the adjustability of these it seem to fit the bill. The install was pretty straight forward, I unbolted the factory set and raised these up to bolt in. The instructions say you might have to cut your factory bracket and I did not want to do that. There was one bolt in the rear that was hitting. I ended up just removing it until it was mounted and drilled a hole for that bolt through the factory bracket. We just got back from a trip and I enjoyed the steps very much, with the adjustable feet they are very sturdy on uneven ground. The site was had a wide pad so I haven’t got to test the height adjustability yet but can see with the three different heights it should work well for all sites.

  • I added the all terrain landing gear to my truck camper. Awesome addition, wife approved.
  • We LOVE ours. DH had double knee replacement and it makes it much easier to get in/out and most of our camping is in state parks that have gravel or dirt/sand, so you never know about the levelness. These steps seem to really help out in those circumstances.
  • Mine are being installed this week. I can't wait to get the fiver back so I can try them out. The OEM steps are hard on my legs so this will be much easier. Also, when my teenager bounces down the stairs the fiver won't bounce with the steps.
  • Hornnumb2 wrote:
    I suggested that they could recess that bolt from the outside and solve that problem, just hated cutting the bracket.

    I also brought that up to customer support. Hopefully they will correct that through an engineering change in the future. Some trailers may not have that interference problem. That was the only drawback that I found and was not too hard to fix. Other than this it is a remarkably well engineered unit. Sent you a PM.
  • I suggested that they could recess that bolt from the outside and solve that problem, just hated cutting the bracket.
  • Congratulations on your new GlowStep Revolution. I also, after mounting the frame without the pivot bolts in place, drilled clearance holes in the trailer bracket for the pivot bolts.

    Later this week we are hitting the road for a 3 week camping trip. The steps will get a real workout.

  • Nice mod, something I may do as well. We mostly camp on un-level terrain, I can see where the Glowstep would be ideal for these situations. Thanks for the pics and write-up.