Forum Discussion

hbrady's avatar
Oct 23, 2015

GM EcoTec V8 Engines

I just wanted to rant a bit and share my experience with my truck. In July I purchased a 2014 Silverado and for the first month or two I was pretty happy but then I started to notice some pretty bad shifting. While traveling at speeds 10-40 MPH I would get herky jerky shifting, shuddering, hesitation, etc. After digging around the interweb and hitting GM forums I discovered this is a VERY common issue and GM has no solution, they apparently say 'It's normal'.

Last week I came across a thread where someone mentioned purchasing a Range AFM Disable Device and the improvements they saw. I decided to roll the dice and after a few days I can say with confidence that GM's AFM is at the root of their crappy 'normal' shifting. Apparently the programming isn't smart enough to separate events for 'shift' and 'switch between 4cyl and 8 cyl'. All those nasty shifts are gone, no more hesitation and I'm locked in 8 cyl full-time. I have also not seen any difference in fuel economy.

So, any of you with GM TV's that have AFM, I would highly recommend the Range device.

*edit - I should have specified, AFM (Advanced Fuel Management) which I believe is only implemented on 1/2 ton GM trucks, SUV's and some cars. It's designed to increase fuel economy by dropping the vehicle into 4 cyl mode when torque demand is low.
  • Careful with this. GM may void your warranty by using an aftermarket ecm programer. If you take it to dealer, make sure you return programming to stock first.
  • Glad you found a fix, though it'd be nice if GM would fix it for you under warranty.

    How much was the range device?
  • You may also want to take the vehicle in for service and have them check it according to service bulletin PIT5206C. You may be treating the symptom rather than the cause.