Engineer9860 wrote:
Hybridhunter wrote:
So as usual, GM is 5 years behind, on paper. In practice, Ford owned Jag which has built aluminum cars for a number of years, and the F150 has ahd an aluminum hood for 6 years. That and the torque monster / throttle response of the current, (and coming) Eco boost engines, and the years of experience with forced induction..... Well it just means that for the foreseeable future, Ford will have the more desirable product....
Unless you like off-brand Diesel engines lol. (and Diesel just hit a 30% premium up here in Manitoba)
I could start by showing all of the ways GM leads Ford but I see you are an idiot, and I'll waste no time with it.
I have actually read the same on G.M. forums (GMI) by GM fans,they want their company to get off their butt.