I think it’s a given that the bigger you are the less places you can fit. How much difference it makes is the million dollar question. A poster once looked at over 200 campgrounds near Yosemite and quantified the size RV’s that could get into them. At 25’ 71% would fit, at 30’ 65%, and at 35’ 42%. One certainly can’t take that as applicable everywhere, but it would seem to give at least an indication of the relationship of size to access. The poster was “wintersun” and you could do a search and read the post yourself.
I’m sure you’ll find sites in the parks that you can fit if they’re not already taken by a smaller RV. I think your biggest problem would be national forest campgrounds, at least the ones that aren’t well developed for bigger rigs. Probably more often than not, it’s not that there isn’t a big enough site; it’s the narrow, heavily treed road in that you can’t maneuver. Quite a few years ago I ran across a fellow with a roughly 30’ TT that was blocking a road into the campground. He didn’t scout it out first and just drove down a dirt road to the cg. Then he found he couldn’t make the turn into the cg. He couldn’t go forward because the road rapidly worsened and his rig was too sluggish to maneuver back through the trees to turn around. So he wound up having to back up all the way out to the highway again.
So whether you should be concerned is dependent on how much tolerance you have for increased difficulty finding sites and how much you want to get into national forest cg’s. At that length you can get into many state parks and many you won’t. Commercial cg’s will be no problem at all.