~DJ~ wrote:
... Is it possible to get gold fever without finding any yet?
You need only to go back in history to see the answer is Yes.
I think it was Mark Twain that said the definition of a gold miner was a fool standing beside a hole in the ground. Fact is, the merchants made the money, not the miners.
In times past, I had a weld/fabrication shop. For several years I built gold retrieving equipment. I never got the fever. Those that did, lost lots of money.
I live on ten acres, near Placerville, California, in the center of gold country. I have a creek running through the center of my property. My part is about 450 feet. During the gold rush in California, the miners routed over 300 feet on each side of this creek looking for gold. Their tailings were obvious when I bought the property. I have allowed a couple of friends tio pan or run a slouch. They get some gold, but I have yet to see enough to get the fever.
It could be a fun hobby, but I think foolish to think it profitable.