Any towing insurance you buy is nothing more than a bet. I had AAA for over 10 years, never needed it so I discontinued it. I don't recall what the annual cost was, I think $70. That was over twenty years ago, how much have I saved on premiums during the past twenty years? I think about $1400.
As I have towing included (standard) in my vehicle insurance. I did not realize I had it during the time I had AAA. So it is obvious to me I wasted the money on AAA for something that was standard on my insurance policy.
During the twenty years I was without AAA, I broke down about 150 miles from home and about 20 miles from a repair shop. The tow truck loaded my truck and TC, and towed it the 20 miles. I was charged $125 of which my insurance would only pay $75. So, I paid $75 in about 20 years instead of 20 years of AAA fees ($1400).
My point is, consider the condition of your truck, and the likelihood it would be disabled. If you needed a tow, what would it cost, $200 or $300? Would you be limited with a given tow company? Would you be limited as to where you could have your rig towed? Also consider how many times you have needed roadside service in the past.