Forum Discussion

meesda's avatar
Mar 27, 2014



I would like to get feedback from anyone using a gooseneck adapter with a simple ball in the bed.

I looking at this for my next PU and I like having access to a flat bed just by flipping the ball.

I'm interested in any pros and cons of this setup.


  • Best bet is check with the manufacturer of your fifth wheel before doing this.

    A few will say fine, most will say no.
  • I am in a rural area. I designed and built trailers for agricultural and commercial use and used them years ago. Almost all frame breakage reported is from none modified 5th wheel hitches. There has only been one or two converted ones reported with breakage. Why? Bet you have no answers just opinion based on opinion, based on opinion, ad-nauseum and I'm quite sure you were too lazy to read the threads I linked to.
  • DSteiner51 wrote:
    Read this

    Or this.

    There are lots of thread forecasting that if you do it you will break your frame and kill everyone in sight. Sarcasm off. :B

    just go to rural areas and look at the front of some of the 5vers with a goose neck. I say rural because this where you will find many of them. Check out the front of the 5vers. Make up your own mind about damage. I became enlightened when I saw the damage.
  • I use the Andersen Ultimate Fifth Wheel hitch and love it. Gives me the freedom of a clean bed without degrading the fifthwheel pin box. Additionally I do not have the popping and cracking you normally get from a standard fifthwheel.
  • Look at the B&W under bed mount with the companion hitch.
    I also need a flat floor, and this is what I nave used for 10 years without a single problems.