Forum Discussion

chracatoa's avatar
May 23, 2013

Got TT from 1 year service, no breaks

Left the trailer for 1 year service at a Jayco dealer. They told me I should pack wheel bearings otherwise I would lose my warranty. So I ask them to do it.

When I picked the trailer up I had no breaks. Luckily I always test them before any trip.

They scrambled to figure out the problem. Two days after that they told me they had to basically get new parts from the manufacturer and reinstall them from scratch. All under warranty. It seems that the manufacturer would have said that the breaks should never have worked right.

Anyway, the staff was helpful and friendly and I liked that. But it bothers me that they didn't check it first. Also, why was it working before (or at least it seemed to be working).

Could they have done something while packing the bears that would have damaged the breaks?
  • Other than damaging a wire while jacking or jack stand use I don't know what it would be. I would think they would have the parts on hand to replace the complete system if they had to.
  • Yea, could be a bunch of different things but one might be got grease all over the brake drums and shoes.