WayneLee wrote:
Following the IPhone app, we ended up 5 blocks away from the actual location. With the Android app, we had a 3 block error. The Garmin was right on.
Don't know if this is typical or not, but it sure convinced me that a GPS unit is more accurate than a smartphone app.
The problem with phones isn't their GPS, but the app's source of address information. Most of these apps rely on 3rd party address databases like Bing, Google, or Yelp. The app pulls the geographic coordinates from the 3rd party database and the app leads you to that point. The app is only as accurate as their supplier of address data. Some apps use a mix of their own database and 3rd party, like Waze. In Waze you have a choice to use Yelp, Yellow Book, Four Square, Google, or the Waze database. As far as geographical accuracy, cell phone might actually be more accurate. Phones can use satellites, cell tower triangulation, and WIFI locations combinations to pinpoint a location. AFAIK GPS devices only use satellites.