I have both a Garmin and a phone app, but I'm exclusively on the phone now. I use Waze and a phone mount call GripGo. My phone has a 5" screen, so the screen is larger than my Garmin. The whole setup performed well on our recent 2500 mile journey from Texas to Canada. On that trip, we had some areas where coverage dropped, but the app continued along the route. We couldn't get any traffic updates or anything since that relies on data. Once we got into Canada, we had to rely on the Garmin totally since we didn't have an international data plan.
Waze is nice because it gives you real-time traffic. The Garmin mostly relies on third parties to provide traffic info. I find that sometimes there can be quite a delay. I found that the Garmin traffic coverage can be pretty terrible a lot of time. You have to be near radio stations broadcasting the updates and those were few and far between. I had better luck with my phone's data coverage. With Waze, users can report traffic or hazards immediately which gets pushed out to everyone. They also monitor the roadways through the devices and push out alerts when traffic is detected. Another nice feature is being able to view gas prices then route to the stations. The maps are updated nightly vs every 3 months with Garmin.
Even with all this technology we still carry paper maps, triptiks, and a compass as a backup.
mbutts wrote:
In addition, you won't miss any turns when your daughter calls to chat for a half hour.
I don't like to talk on the phone while driving, hands free or not, but when have to I can continue to use the app while on a phone call. You can still see the map and everything. The app continues to speak directions over the callers voice.