Forum Discussion

MStat's avatar
Feb 04, 2023

Grand Design 2670MK

My wife and I are looking at a Grand Design Imagine 2670MK. One thing we noticed was fairly large gap, 1 in. between the floor and kichen (curb side) slide. It appears that this gap is to prevent the slide from rubbing on the floor.
Has anybody else seen this? or Has anybody had problems with this?

Thank you
  • I just went through an RV show yesterday.
    Grand Design
    Forest River
    Only things that GD had better were floor plans.
    Two things noted that one GD Solitude had a cracked and broken step edge. Big chunk off the edge. One Imagine had a cracked door frame. I was standing next to another couple and the guy pulled the door open and the door framed cracked. We both tried to snap it back in place with no luck. Good for a laugh nonetheless.
    Saw many other miscues with build quality in other brands even in the nicer units.
    IMO anything from Elkhart is the same. Lots of OSB/MDF and blingy stuff.
    Went in a 2023 FR Wildcat One 5er. Didn't check the MSRP out but guessing it was near $85-90K It had a cool looking black kitchen sink. Problem was it was plastic. Really?
    I mostly saw a lot of overpriced mediocre build quality RV's. Only thing that set apart one from the other was floor plans, bling, exterior decal schemes and interior finish colors. Other than that they all had areas of poor builds and inferior components.
    A plus for the manufactures and sales people is that a lot peoples comments were about cool stuff like the big TV, nice counter colors, roomy, layout, etc. Of course I don't know what they are thinking about the rest of the RV like the frame, wall thickness, insulation, suspension, etc. Probably not concerned.
    If I were in the market for a new TT/5er I'm not sure I could drop the coin for the inflated prices they want now.
    Not dissin GD, just sayin they're no better or worse than any other brand. Great CS after sale and one of the best owners forums which probably helps a lot of people when making a buying decision.
  • Danger Don wrote:
    Flapper wrote:

    Junk? Hardly. Since the one making that comment has a Newmar, his budget is exceedingly higher than mine, so obviously can afford a Cadillac where I only could get a Chevy!

    2000 Newmar mountain aire 4081 DP, ISC/350 Allison 6 speed"

    A 23 year old class A?

    Might be worth about the same as a new Grand Design TT, but I doubt it LOL.

    Doesn’t matter. You’re still being a tool, right outta the gate here…
  • I checked out a new GDesign for a friend. My impression just checking it out quickly was that it was beter than most, had a good "feel" to it.
  • Flapper wrote:

    Junk? Hardly. Since the one making that comment has a Newmar, his budget is exceedingly higher than mine, so obviously can afford a Cadillac where I only could get a Chevy!

    2000 Newmar mountain aire 4081 DP, ISC/350 Allison 6 speed"

    A 23 year old class A?

    Might be worth about the same as a new Grand Design TT, but I doubt it LOL.
  • MStat wrote:
    My wife and I are looking at a Grand Design Imagine 2670MK. One thing we noticed was fairly large gap, 1 in. between the floor and kichen (curb side) slide. It appears that this gap is to prevent the slide from rubbing on the floor.
    Has anybody else seen this? or Has anybody had problems with this?

    Thank you

    Sitting in mine now, and never really noticed it. Dark out, so didn't look from the underside outside. Inside, that appears about right, although trim molding hides it from being obvious.
    In the 6 years I've owned it, it has never been an issue of any kind. Nothing getting in, and the rare kitchen spill has not gotten out. Even a few days ago when we were getting hit with 50 mph gusts all day directly on that side, no air leakage felt.

    Junk? Hardly. Yes, built to a price point. Far, far better than any Forest River I have compared to. About the same as the Jayco I used to have, with some items better thought out/designed. Since the one making that comment has a Newmar, his budget is exceedingly higher than mine, so obviously can afford a Cadillac where I only could get a Chevy!
  • Tom/Barb wrote:
    Grand Design =. junk

    Not any different that any other manufacture. They all build some junk along with some keepers. It's always a **** shoot.
  • Tom/Barb wrote:
    Grand Design =. junk

    Thats a fairly general comment isnt it?


  • When is there a gap? Slide in or out? Is it a Schwintek or a rack type with the slide mechanism under it.
  • Many slides have a gap between the two floors, depends on the particular slide. There is a rubber piece that keeps what’s outside from coming inside; and generally a transition piece between the two floors. The particulars depend on the slide.