Cut the pipe off between the crack and the fitting. Use a 1-1/2 inch socket saver to rebore the fitting to accept a new piece of ABS pipe. Cut away a short section of the existing piece of 1-1/2 inch ABS pipe to allow installation of the pipe into the rebored fitting and using a new ABS coupling between the 2 sections of ABS pipe. Worst case the cut off pipe section might be too short. If so you will need a piece of ABS pipe to cut to length.
Home depot has the socket saver available on line.
1-1/2 inch socket saverI checked online and the Lowe's in East Plano has 1-1/2 ABS couplings and 1-1/2 ABS pipe in stock. It appears none of the Lowe's in your area have the socket saver and it is not available from Lowe's online.